Prophets (Bible Order)

Unit Size

12.5 hours to read
250 chapters
149,724 words
4-6 chapters per day in reading plan

Preparation Courses

Preparation courses help provide useful background information to your reading. You may skip the courses you have already taken in the past.

Preparation Course: Introduction to the Bible

Preparation Course: How to Read Biblical Poetry

Preparation Course: How to Read Prophecy


Watch: Overview – Isaiah 1-39

Read: Isaiah 1-39

Watch: Overview – Isaiah 40-66

Read: Isaiah 40-66


Watch: Overview – Jeremiah

Read: Jeremiah 1-29

Watch: The Way of the Exile (Theme)

Read: Jeremiah 30-52

Watch: Overview – Lamentations

Read: Lamentations


Watch: Overview – Ezekiel 1-33

Read: Ezekiel 1-33

Watch: Overview – Ezekiel 34-48

Read: Ezekiel 34-48


If you already read Daniel 1-6 in the Historical Books unit, you can skip those chapters here.

Watch: Overview – Daniel

Read: Daniel

The Minor Prophets (Hosea-Malachi)

Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel are referred to as the “major prophets” while the 12 prophets from Hosea to Malachi are referred to as the “minor prophets.” “Major” and “minor” are simply referring to the size of the books. The minor prophets are no less important or authoritative.

Watch: Overview – Hosea

Read: Hosea

Watch: Overview – Joel

Read: Joel

Watch: Overview – Amos

Read: Amos

Watch: Overview – Obadiah

Read: Obadiah

Watch: Overview – Jonah

Read: Jonah

Watch: Overview – Micah

Read: Micah

Watch: Overview – Nahum

Read: Nahum

Watch: Overview – Habakkuk

Read: Habakkuk

Watch: Overview – Zephaniah

Read: Zephaniah

Watch: Overview – Haggai

Read: Haggai

Watch: Overview – Zechariah

Read: Zechariah

Watch: Overview – Malachi

Read: Malachi