Wisdom Literature

Unit Size

3.2 hours to read
93 chapters
38,635 words
1-2 chapters per day in reading plan

Preparation Courses

Preparation courses help provide useful background information to your reading. You may skip the courses you have already taken in the past.

Preparation Course: Introduction to the Bible

Preparation Course: How to Read Biblical Poetry

Regarding the Definition of “Wisdom Literature”

This reading plan uses the term “wisdom literature” to refer to the books of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon. However, we wanted to acknowledge that there is some disagreement among scholars as to whether Psalms and Song of Solomon should be considered wisdom literature.

How to Read Wisdom Literature

Watch: How to Read the Bible: The Books of Solomon


Watch: Overview – Job

Watch: Alternate Video on Job

Read: Job


We will not be reading Psalms cover to cover. Instead, we encourage you to sprinkle the Psalms one at a time into your daily scripture reading.

Watch: How to Read the Book of Psalms

Watch: Overview – Psalms

Read: Psalm 8

Watch: Psalm 8 (Visual Commentary)

Read: Psalm 148

Watch: Psalm 148 (Visual Commentary)


Watch: Overview – Proverbs

Watch: Alternate Video on Proverbs

Read: Proverbs 1-8

Watch: Proverbs 8 (Visual Commentary)

Read: Proverbs 9-31


Watch: Overview – Ecclesiastes

Watch: Alternate Video on Ecclesiastes

Read: Ecclesiastes

“Song of Songs” of Solomon

Most translations refer to this book as “Song of Solomon” with the notable exception of the NIV which refers to it as “Song of Songs.” The reason for this is the first line of the book is literally, “The Song of Songs, which is of Solomon.”

Watch: Overview – Song of Songs

Read: Song of Solomon