Historical Books

Unit Size

11.7 (8.1)* hours to read
184 (126) chapters
139,955 (97,627) words
3-4 (2-3) chapters per day in reading plan

* The un-bracketed numbers under “Unit Size” refers to the size of Parts 1 and 2 together. The numbers in brackets indicate the shortened size if only doing Part 1.

Part 1 (All Readers)

Preparation Courses

Preparation courses help provide useful background information to your reading. You may skip the courses you have already taken in the past.

Preparation Course: Introduction to the Bible

Preparation Course: How to Read Biblical Narrative

Conquest (Joshua)

Watch: Overview – Joshua

Read: Joshua

The Period of the Judges (Judges-Ruth)

Watch: Overview – Judges

Read: Judges

Watch: Overview – Ruth

Read: Ruth

Unified Kingdom (1 & 2 Samuel)

Watch: Overview – 1 Samuel

Read: 1 Samuel

Watch: Overview – 2 Samuel

Read: 2 Samuel

Divided Kingdom (1 Kings)

Watch: Overview – 1-2 Kings

Read: 1 Kings

Part 2 (Bible Order Readers Only)

STOP! Are you going to do the Bible order or chronological order format for the Prophets Unit?

If you are going to choose Prophets (Chronological Order), then do not read Part 2 of this unit (Part 2 content will be covered there).

If you are going to choose Prophets (Bible Order), then continue reading Part 2.

Exile (2 Kings)

Read: 2 Kings

Watch: Exile (Theme)

Optional Content

1 & 2 Chronicles are optional because they cover the same story as 2 Samuel – 2 Kings from a different perspective.

Watch: Overview – Chronicles

Read: 1 Chronicles

Read: 2 Chronicles

Return from Exile (Ezra-Nehemiah)

Watch: Overview – Ezra-Nehemiah

Read: Ezra

Read: Nehemiah

Esther: A Tale from Exile

Watch: Overview – Esther

Read: Esther

Optional Content

Daniel will be covered with the other major prophets, but the first 6 chapters of Daniel are history and not prophecy. Like Esther, it tells a tale of the Israelites in exile. If you have not already read it, it might be good to read it now along with the other historical stories from exile.

Watch: Overview – Daniel

Read: Daniel 1-6 Only