Gospels & Acts

Unit Size

8.5 hours to read
117 chapters
102,326 words
2-3 chapters per day in reading plan

Preparation Courses

Preparation courses help provide useful background information to your reading. You may skip the courses you have already taken in the past.

Preparation Course: Introduction to the Bible

Preparation Course: How to Read Biblical Narrative

How to Read the Gospels

Watch: How to Read the Bible: The Gospel

Watch: How to Read the Bible: Parables of Jesus


Watch: Overview – Matthew 1-13

Read: Matthew 1-4

Watch: Gospel of the Kingdom (Theme)

Watch: Gospel (Word Study)

Read: Matthew 5-8

Watch: Son of Man (Theme)

Read: Matthew 9-13

Watch: Overview – Matthew 14-28

Read: Matthew 14-19

Watch: Eternal Life (Theme)

Read: Matthew 20-28


Watch: Overview – Mark

Read: Mark

Optional Content

Watch: Alternate Video on Mark


Watch: Overview – Luke 1-9

Read: Luke 1-9

Watch: Overview – Luke 10-24

Read: Luke 10-24

Optional Content

Watch: The Birth of Jesus: Luke 1-2

Watch: The Baptism of Jesus: Luke 3-9

Watch: The Prodigal Son: Luke 9-19

Watch: The Crucifixion of Jesus: Luke 19-23

Watch: The Resurrection of Jesus: Luke 24


Watch: Overview – John 1-12

Read: John 1

Watch: John 1 (Visual Commentary)

Read: John 2-4

Watch: Water of Life (Theme)

Read: John 5-12

Watch: Overview – John 13-21

Read: John 13-21


Watch: Overview – Acts 1-12

Read: Acts 1-2

Watch: The Holy Spirit (Theme)

Read: Acts 3-12

Watch: Overview – Acts 13-28

Read: Acts 13-28

Optional Content

Watch: Witness (Word Study)

Watch: Pentecost: Acts 1-7

Watch: The Apostle Paul: Acts 8-12

Watch: Paul’s Missionary Journeys: Acts 13-20

Watch: Bound for Rome: Acts 21-28