
Unit Size

5.2 hours to read
121 chapters
62,397 words
2-3 chapters per day in reading plan

Preparation Courses

Preparation courses help provide useful background information to your reading. You may skip the courses you have already taken in the past.

Preparation Course: Introduction to the Bible

How to Read the Epistles

Watch: New Testament Letters: Historical Context

Watch: New Testament Letters: Literary Context


Watch: Overview – Romans 1-4

Read: Romans 1-4

Watch: Overview – Romans 5-16

Read: Romans 5-16

Optional Content

Watch: Series on Sin, etc. (Word Study)

1 & 2 Corinthians

Watch: Overview – 1 Corinthians

Read: 1 Corinthians

Watch: Overview – 2 Corinthians

Read: 2 Corinthians

Galatians – Thessalonians

Watch: Overview – Galatians

Read: Galatians

Watch: Overview – Ephesians

Read: Ephesians

Watch: Overview – Philippians

Read: Philippians

Watch: Overview – Colossians

Read: Colossians

Watch: Overview – 1 Thessalonians

Read: 1 Thessalonians

Watch: Overview – 2 Thessalonians

Read: 2 Thessalonians

Pastoral Epistles & Philemon

Watch: Overview – 1 Timothy

Read: 1 Timothy

Watch: Public Reading of Scripture (Theme)

Watch: Overview – 2 Timothy

Read: 2 Timothy

Watch: Overview – Titus

Read: Titus

Watch: Overview – Philemon

Read: Philemon


Watch: Overview – Hebrews

Read: Hebrews

Optional Content

Watch: Series on the Royal Priest

James – Jude

Watch: Overview – James

Read: James

Watch: Overview – 1 Peter

Read: 1 Peter

Watch: Overview – 2 Peter

Read: 2 Peter

Watch: Overview – 1-3 John

Read: 1 John

Read: 2 John

Read: 3 John

Watch: Overview – Jude

Read: Jude