Guidelines for Groups

Using this Reading Plan with a Group

Reading as a group is highly recommended as it is a great way to stay motivated. Here is some guidance for group leaders who want to integrate this resource into their group:

It is not recommended to use this as your group’s primary study content

Encourage group members to develop a regular practice of time with God and to use this plan in that context. Time with God is a lifelong personal spiritual practice which is meant to be prioritized before any other faith activity.

Explain to the group how time with God is different than Bible study

Bible study is about increasing our knowledge. Its end goal is to absorb that knowledge. This reading plan is more about developing a regular personal practice and to develop familiarity and connection with God. We need to set our expectations appropriately. We will not absorb everything we read through this reading plan like we might expect to do in a Bible study.

Use group time to briefly check-in about how the reading plan is going

You might ask, “How are people finding the reading plan? Are there any challenges you are facing? Have you discovered anything new or interesting?” Budget 5-10 minutes for a high-level discussion and plan on moving on afterwards. If you already have a time where you check-in with one another about your lives this can be added to that.

Cultivate a spirit of freedom

We are encouraging people to follow this plan out of their desire for Jesus. Compelling or pressuring people robs them of their desire and makes the motivation about human expectations. Avoid the word, “should” (e.g., “Followers of Jesus should read their Bibles daily”). Be sensitive to people whose lives are too busy or stressful for “one more thing.”

Have everyone follow the same reading schedule

Included in this document are suggested 10-week daily reading plans which you can schedule as a group. Encourage people who fall behind to simply skip the weeks they’ve missed and pick up the plan where the group is at. Give yourself a fresh start! There is no need to be bogged down by the weight of several weeks of “catch-up” readings.

Before you begin, take a moment as a group to center yourselves on your motivating desire

In silence, invite Jesus to remind you your group that your true desire is for Jesus and his Kingdom. The goal is not to complete 100% of the plan.