
Goals of the reading plan

Goal #1: Gain a broad understanding of the Bible and its overall themes to support your lifelong spiritual formation

This is not a Bible study! We’re choosing breadth to equip you for lifelong depth. You will undoubtedly stumble across deep questions as you read, and you will not necessarily have time to address them all immediately. Jot them down as you go, and trust that you will be far better equipped to wrestle with the deep questions when you have greater familiarity with the whole.

Goal #2: Encourage the spiritual practice of regular time with God

Regular time with God is an essential spiritual practice. If you do not already practice it, this reading plan will help you get started. Some find setting aside short times each day works best for them. Others find that having one or two larger chunks of time per week works better (for instance, on the weekends or whenever they are not on shift at their work).