Advice If This Is a Struggle

Advice for those who struggle to complete the readings

We get it! Life is busy!

No really… we get it!!!

Many of us begin reading plans like this excited and motivated to finally build our relationship with Jesus. For the first few weeks we’re doing well, but then suddenly life gets in the way. Maybe we’ve had a busy week at work, maybe we went away, or maybe we simply find our motivation is dwindling. Then one day we pick up the reading plan and realize we are 20 chapters behind!

What does that feel like? Often it feels like guilt and stress: guilt for feeling like you disappointed yourself (or God), and stress for the mountain of pages you feel you need to catch up on.

If this sounds anything like you, here is some advice:

  • Before you begin the reading plan, take a moment to remind yourself that the goal is not to complete 100% of the reading plan. Finishing a unit with “unchecked boxes” is not a defeat.
  • Do not do this study alone. We are weakest to the spiritual forces of darkness when we are isolated.
  • Use the included daily reading plans. A “bite-sized” daily portion will help the plan feel more manageable.
  • If you fall far behind your group, skip the readings you missed and pick up the plan where the group is at. Remember the goal of this is broad understanding and encouraging regular time with God. There is no need to be bogged down by the weight of several weeks of “catch-up” readings. Give yourself a fresh start!
  • If life is too busy to complete the readings, consider just watching the videos. This will help you stay current with your group, and it will still help you accomplish the first goal of the study.
  • Remind yourself of this over and over again: God does not love you less for not reading the Bible. God is not punishing you for not reading the Bible. If Scripture is clear about anything, it is clear about the fact that God is relentlessly pursuing you. You are never too far from the flock to find your Saviour following behind you to rescue you (Matthew 18:10-14).