Week 1
Day 1
Preparation Courses
Complete Course: Introduction to the Bible
How to Read the Epistles
Watch: New Testament Letters: Historical Context
Watch: New Testament Letters: Literary Context
Read: Psalm 51
Day 2
Read: Romans 1-2
Read: Psalm 52
Day 3
Read: Romans 3-4
Read: Psalm 53
Day 4
Read: Romans 5-7
Read: Psalm 54
Day 5
Read: Romans 8-10
Read: Psalm 55
Week 1 Catch-Up Texts
If you have fallen behind on the plan and want to catch up quickly, just read these catch-up texts instead.
Read: Romans 5-6
Read: Romans 8
Week 1 Kids’ Edition
Kids Edition readings are from the Action Bible (2020 Edition). The number in parentheses indicates the page number.
Day 1
Read: Waiting for the Spirit (719)
Day 2
Read: Tongues of Fire! (722)
Day 3
Read: Stand Up for Jesus (727)
Day 4
Read: A Grave Lie (732)
Day 5
Read: Prison Break (733)